Albany High School Graphic Design

Student Showcase 2007-2022

Reuben Turbow


Beth El Congregation


Beth El is an inclusive congregation located in the Berkeley Hills. Beth El prides itself with a Torah from the holocaust. Beth El has a fairly large sanctuary, with an outdoor sanctuary, located near a garden and a gaga pit. Being home to Beth El Nursery School and the Beth El choir, Beth El creates a place for young ang old. Being a community for everyone, Beth El strives with hundreds of congregants participation in plenty of activities and specific centered groups provided. Join the Joyous community of Beth El to find the Judiasm inside of you. Come experience Rabbi Iyra, Rabbi Becca, and Cantor Elaya leading one of our High Holliday or Shabbat Services.




Brand Advantages



-Great location

-Open to all

-Activities for all ages


Brand Attributes


-Great B'nat Mitzvah program


-Good service

-Congrigation members first



-Family inclusive

-A good Jewish experience

-Very Jewish

Brand Experience


-Shabbat services every week


-Great Holliday services




-Easy communication

-Lots of Judaism

 What's in the logo?

-Two stars of David

-A tree of life

-Two shabbat candles

-Hebrew-look-alike font