Albany High School Graphic Design

Student Showcase 2007-2022

Nadia Sehiri


The brand I will be advertising is Sanrio. Sanrio was founded on August 10th 1960, orginally called Yamanashi Silk Company by founder Shintaro Ysuji. Sanrio headquarters is currently located in Shinigawa, Tokyo, Japan. Sanrio has a variety of items it produces, such as fashion, accessories, gifts, entertainment, and video games. Sanrio is the founder of Hello Kitty, which is one of the most successful marketing brands in the world. Hello Kitty's international influence and makes her easy to recognize regardlesss of where you are, which is why I will be choosing her to advertise Sanrio. Hello Kitty's sweet and contagiously kawaii nature is sure to put a smile on people's face. Her character's versatility is another great reason for advertising. Most advertised characters seem to only appeal to younger children, but I find Hello Kitty to be timeless. Regardless of age Hello Kitty is sure to bring joy and happiness to anyone who comes across her character.

The Bay Area, specifically the Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Francisco Counties are ideal for advertisement in my opinion. The concentrated population of this area makes it easier for more people to see advertisements in fewer places. San Francisco specifically is ideal due to the large tourism and appeal of going to the city. With the constant influx of people in this area there will be more people able to come across advertising than in other cities.


Brand Advantages:

  • easily accessible
  • well known
  • timeless
  • versatile
  • lots of connections

Brand Attributes:

  • approachable
  • trustworthy
  • good reputation
  • iconic
  • familiar

Brand experience:

  • cute
  • fun
  • joyful
  • entertaining
  • enjoyable


Goal: After people see the posters I want them to be filled with joy and have a smile on their face. The posters will target people of all ages and it will specifically spread COVID information. I want the poster to make people happy but also be able to make people feel inclined to put on a mask, get vaccinated, or distance themselves from others. The familiarity and allure of hello kitty should make people feel more comfortable following the directions of the posters because its something that they know and have a positive association with. These posters will also act as advertisement for Sanrio, as people may feel more inclined to buy something hello kitty themed after seeing them.